PHP logs
Severity: Warning -- Undefined array key «id»
Severity: Warning --> Undefined array key "id" You are using an undefined array key, that is, a key that does not exist. To prevent this warning from being issued, you can add checks: if (isset($a...
Attempt to read property «Value» on array
Attempt to read property "Value" on array Failed attempt to read the property (->Value) in the array. Try accessing the array this way: $array["Value"]....
Terminal: Could not open input file
When trying to run php cron through the CLI, an error occurs: the input file could not be opened. php /var/www/cron/example.php Could not open input file: /var/www/cron/example.php The reason for...
Fatal error: Cannot access protected property
This error, for example, can be found in the codeigniter 3 framework when searching for the $e->message property to display error messages on the screen.. The bug is that the scope of the object...