Severity: Warning -- Undefined array key «id» Severity: Warning --> Undefined array key "id" You are using an undefined array key, that is, a key that does not exist. To prevent this warning from being issued, you can add checks: if (isset($array['id'])) { // Your code } $array['id'] = $array['id'] ?? ""; // php7+ Null concatenation operator // This is identical to the following code: $array['id'] = ! empty(array['id']) ? array['id'] : ""; It's important to note that isset() only checks for the existence of a variable, while empty() checks for presence and emptiness. if ( ! empty($array['id'])) { // Your code } // This is similar to the following code: if ( isset($array['id']) && $array['id']) { // Your code } Technology Stack: PHP 8.0 126 views 1 march 2024 13:17